Health Mentoring

Natural energy arises by REMOVING impurities and RESTORING minerals to your body.


Nutritional cleansing seeks to balance out the natural abilities of our body. By the removal of toxins, and the restoration of minerals and amino acids; there is also a healing and spiritual aspect to supported fasting.

Take the Well-Being assessment at the bottom of this page

Mental toxins are as strong as physical ones and by diverting the bodies 80% of daily energy that goes to digesting food into releasing impurities (mental and physical), we begin to tap into an ancient Eastern Tradition practiced for centuries. This process was not originally designed for weight loss though the results on visceral fat release when toxins are removed has been staggering.

I have guided friends and family to extreme releases of weight like 100+ pounds (46kgs) and to those sticky 5kgs too!

However, it’s the focus and clarity that my clients received that truly inspires me. I have even had friends completely overwhelmed with life or grieving, find themselves emotionally stabilised. Mothers who felt like zombies start to de-stress and come back to a conscious raising of their kids. The energy that corporate teams have experienced in such a short time had them more productive than they could ever remember.

Side-benefits such as convenience in a busy world, injuries toning down because of inflammation coming out of their bodies and then the performance of elite athletes can be staggering!

Our bodies are the magic.

Once we allow them to work how they were meant to, we fall in love with ourselves in a whole new way! I love helping customers experience that!


Health & Wellbeing Assessment

This is the first step in understanding your starting point. Once this assessment has been filled out, I will be in contact and we can get you on the path to crushing your well-being goals.